Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What should i do? :( two of my teeth are loose and my parents refuse to take me to the dentist!?

im 16, and have been having problems with my gums for a while now. at first it was nothing big...then i noticed that one of my teeth were loose (the one right behind my canine) really freaked me out because i am all about having a pretty and healthy smile. i begged my parents to take me to the dentist and they called me a hypochondriac like they always do when i come to them asking for help. and im not the type to ask for serious help unless i feel like i really need it simply because i know that even if its a big issue my parents will make me feel horrible about it. well my mom went recently and got dental work done and so i begged her to take me because i was so worried i was gonna loose this tooth and have serious problems with the others...her response was "ill take you at the beginning of the year if youll just shut the hell up and leave me alone...ill give you my follow up visit, would that make you happy!?" i told her id be fine with that and so i waited...

What should i do? :( two of my teeth are loose and my parents refuse to take me to the dentist!?
You really need to see a dentist. That should not be. Try your VERY best to convince your parents to take you to a dentist.

That's all I can suggest. I'm sorry.
Reply:maybe your family can't afford it. WELCOME TO AMERICA!!! You should just go down yourself for a checkup.
Reply:show her how you're tooth is all loose and wiggle it around and stuff. If she's a no go and you're still freaking out I would ask a family member or friend to take you to the dentist and in the mean time get a job to pay for the dental work you need to have done. If you're teeth fall out they're not gonna grow back.
Reply:Aww, you poor thing! Well, you've got some awfully neglective parents right there. Do you floss? The best way is to go to the dentist... But I don't know why your parents aren't taking you. Could you explain your serious problems with your other teeth? If you're lying about your age and your way younger, then it's normal to be losing your teeth and growing new ones.
Reply:Call the dentist and make an appointment yourself. When I was 16 I took myself to all my medical/dental appointments. As long as they already know who your insurance provider is, it won't be a problem.

If that bothers you for some reason, call the dentist and describe the problem. They will let you know how serious it is. If they tell you that you need to come in, ask them to call your parents to let them know it's a serious problem.

Best of luck!
Reply:are you sure they're not baby teeth? cause I'm 15 and my baby teeth wont come out and i got them pulled out( 5 of them) the roots are stubborn sometimes and they get loose for a while and then tighten again over and over but they dint come out so i had them pulled out. you should go see the dentist.
Reply:I hope you get to dentist soon. The problem with your parents really might be financial. Dental insurance does not cover real dental work, only cleanings and sometimes fillings. Do you work? You are 16 right? Maybe you can save some money yourself and go. I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you don't get your teeth fixed now you will have real problems after the age of 35 and that will cost you thousands of dollars.

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