Saturday, July 25, 2009

Loose teeth dreams?

i dreamt dat my teeth is shaking... i dunno if it's one or many all i know its shaking but not decaying... jz shaking... wat does dat mean? ne one got ne idea about it?

Loose teeth dreams?
Yes, it means that something (or some things) in your life are a little out of control.

I have these dreams from time to time. Usually my teeth crumble out or become loose and pop out. It's weird, and when I wake up - I double check that my teeth are still there!

I jokingly talked about these dreams with a friend who is a dentist, and he looked at me seriously - and asked if there was anything in my life that was a little crazy... so that is what your 'teeth dreams' mean!
Reply:first off you should stop typing like a total retarded mouli, and the reason your teeth fall out in dreams is due to the fact you are coming to a changing point in your life. the teeth are symbolic of when you are an adolecent and your teeth fall out you are reaching maturity, hence a change in life. just like your dream is representing to you.l so if i were you id look at what you are doing in life and change the wrong things cause your body is tellin you it is time!! good luck.
Reply:If you are a woman, dreaming of loose teeth or teeth falling out indicates that lately u've been having doubts about how attractive u appear to others, and ur position in the society in general
Reply:i've been told, seriously, that dreaming about like your teeth being loose or falling out or whatever means that you were burned as a witch in previous life
Reply:The meaning of dreams are not exactly what your dreaming. You are stressed about a turning point in your life..usually something you can not control.


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