Sunday, August 2, 2009

Would you rather loose your teeth or your hair?

My hair! There are lots of cute wigs out there but fake teeth just are not cool!

Would you rather loose your teeth or your hair?
hair, i can still look stylish bald, but no way to work a bad grill!
Reply:hhmm......difficult question..teeth?
Reply:teeth, they are easier to replace and look better than false hair
Reply:i think that i would rather loose my hair. I dont know but to me a smile is everything.
Reply:hair because you cant grow new teeth but you can always grow new hair or wear a wig
Reply:my teeth...i can always get veneirs.
Reply:Teeth, for a dentist can give you dentures. Cheaper and easier to take care of.
Reply:I'd rather loose my teeth. I can get nice fake teeth that are better than the teeth that i have now.

Hair is what's most important.
Reply:My hair. It's cheaper to buy some bandanas, hats, and maybe a wig than it is to get good dentures. :-)
Reply:Hair. Much less expensive and I use it less. :)
Reply:let see false teeth or false hair

Just bop me in da mouth
Reply:That shouldn't be a choice.

I'm losing my teeth while my brother is losing his hair.

Go figure its like you can't win.
Reply:Hair. hats are easier to wear than dentures.
Reply:id take half and half

top teath stay so i can smile w/o you noticing my bottom teath r missing and ill just go part bald and have a doctor phil hairdoo!
Reply:Definitely wouldn't wanna lose my teeth.... Wigs are cheaper (and cuter) than dental work, so I vote hair!
Reply:Hair, It will always grow back. I do not want false teeth or implants.
Reply:hair...teeth...I DONT KNO!! i luv both!!

i've alwaysed wanted a wig anyway!

i ♥ my teeth. :]

x x x x
Reply:I don't have a problem not having any hair, as you can see.

And wearing dentures is not cool.
Reply:Teeth. I'll just buy some new ones.

opera mobile

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