Friday, July 31, 2009

Do i need braces if my 2 bottom teeth feel weak and loose, even though i brush?

honestly, ive been brushing, but my 2 bottom teeth fel loose when i touch them, do you think a dentist might give me some type of gel to strengthen them or braces.

Do i need braces if my 2 bottom teeth feel weak and loose, even though i brush?
The perodontal ligament is what holds each tooth tightly in place. Sometimes an infection can cause a tooth to loosen. This is the body's way to get rid of an infected tooth. The tooth would eventually drop out if left unattended. So you need to find out right away why these two teeth feel loose. If your dentist determines one of those teeth has an infection inside, called an "absess," then he would need to do root canal therapy to save the tooth. Once the infection is cleared up, the peridontal ligament will tighten up again, and the tooth will feel solid. I'm not a dentist, and there may be other reasons why a peridontal ligament would loosen. I just don't know what the other causes could be. You didn't state your age, so if you are very young, I suppose it is possible that your jaw is growing, and everything is still moving around slightly. Don't forget to floss.
Reply:You need to see a dentist fast. You may have gum disease that can be reversed if caught in time. With gum disease, the gum recedes and there's less to grab the tooth with to hold it in place.
Reply:i dont think its braces you need cuz braces, they put pressure on your teeth, and it kind of makes your teeth wiggly at first. braces are for people who have crooked teeth, not wiggly ones.
Reply:I just got braces and I don't think a dentist would put braces on loose teeth. How old are you? If you are young you could just be losing baby teeth. You could also be losing baby teeth if you are older too. I am 19 and still have a majority of my baby teeth! They are pretty strong right now but the dentist said there's no telling how long baby teeth will last at that age. But if you are older this is not a good sign because it could be a sign of peridontal disease where your teeth get loose and could possibly fall out. Get to the dentist as soon as possible because this could be serious.

family nanny

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