Friday, July 31, 2009

Do you no a home made medicine for loose teeth?

had an infection in my gums the dentist gave me pilicilin it work but it came back

Do you no a home made medicine for loose teeth?
My brother broke a tooth, got a fake reconstruction, it broke off years later, and he super glued it. What a hick.
Reply:There is no homemade medicine for a loose tooth. The infection came back because the source of the infection is still there, you need to go back to the dentist and have the source of the infection taken care of.
Reply:I've been a dental assistant for years. There's no quick fix. You'll have to go back to the dentist. If the infection gets worse, you could lose all of your teeth because it can lead to bone loss, or interfere with the blood supply to your teeth and they'll die. The infection can also enter the blood supply to your body and make you very ill, or worse. Gum infections can cause major problems if not take care of properly. Good luck!
Reply:If your gums are not cared for, you will continue to get infections. If your gums are so bad that your teeth are loose, it's already too late. Bad news, I know, but it means your jawbones already have begun to deteriorate and there's no going back.

The antibiotics may cure today's infection, but it will keep returning as long as your gums are in bad condition. I think you will have to pull your teeth and get dentures. Do it now, or do it later. But you're going to end up doing it...
Reply:Purchase some Total Toothpaste by Colgate and brush you teeth about 4 times a day, it really works but you have to keep using and brushing your teeth.

You may have some type of infection, teeth or gum damage.

Try seeing a specialist. You have to really take care of your teeth and gums.

I had an infection because I take so much asthma medication and was not rinsing my mouth out after each treatment. But the one-time antibiotics worked for me along with using the Total Toothpaste.

I hope everything works out for you and hope you don't have to have your teeth removed if you are young.
Reply:Well I don't no if you would call it a medicine, it's more like a remedy. Get a piece of string, tie one end onto the loose tooth, the other to a door knob, stay still, slam the door really hard. Then "Presto" no more loose tooth. Repeat until all teeth are out.

Good Luck


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