Friday, July 31, 2009

How to I make guacamole with two loose teeth and a yellow and blue box of condoms?

Also their is a gargoyle eating my lower intestines and crapping them out of my reach. Just thought you'd like to know.

How to I make guacamole with two loose teeth and a yellow and blue box of condoms?
you tell the mexican chick who watches your illiterate kids to get in the kitchen and take the avocados you just bought on sale at ralph's out the fridge and make you some fresh guacamole.

"and bring me a corona.. dont forget the lime ho!"
Reply:Thank you for feeling confortable enough with all of us for sharing your bodily functions with us, BUT, what does your question have to aviation?

Thanks man, I really didn't need a picture of what is going on with your body, but, thanks again!
Reply:Very carefully

Visual Arts

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